Network request failed

I’m new to thunkable and I’m trying to make an http request to a url, sending values ​​along with it. I’ve read several posts in the community, tested several options and models that users have posted, but I always get an error.

Whats wrong?

I did a test on postman and everything went well.

I need a lot of help. I’m new to block programming.

Hello @samir.henry3rz
To send the data as a body you need to use the “generate JSON from object” and “create object” block.

image - 2024-04-09T233533.373

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Another way to send data is using Query parameters, you can find more information in our docs: Web APIs Blocks | Drag and Drop | Thunkable Docs

In postman you are sending data as url parameters. You are not sending them in the body of the request. Add those values to your url and try again

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I had already tried every way, but finally I discovered that the problem was with my domain hosted on Locaweb (hosting site). I confirmed this once I created a free subdomain on 000webhost and was able to upload the data to my .php file.

I switched to this way, but I discovered that 000webhost has problems receiving requests from my app when I’m in the live test using cell phone mobile data.

This is my .php file that must receive the values ​​to perform user authentication with mysql.

It’s currently working, but I’m still going to contact support for my domain at Locaweb to try to resolve the problem.