My .svg from Figma are always changing whenever I enter the screen

I started to transfer stuff from Figma to Thunkable. I decided to make every Figma screen separate and paste respective links with screens into my app. At first everything was OK, until I have pasted multiple screens. At a first entrance to the screen in Thunkable, everything is in order. However, when I reenter it one more time, every .svg is mixed, and components from other screens are over previous components. When I reload this particular screen, Figma connects successfully in 90% of occasions, and everything goes back to normal. And the cycle continues. What should I do?

Hello @elizavetamelnichuk5c :wave:
How is the Figma design made?
Is it possible to share an example screen?

Sure, here are two screen as an example (there is more actually, these two are just most convenient)


I make each figma file for each of the screens, copy link and paste into the Thunkable (because when I have my main project link with every screens, Thunkable says error). Everything seems fine, but when I reenter the screen, components mix. For example, instead of heading component “Greetings” I have text from other components (for example “understanding the map” from completely other screen)

Hello @elizavetamelnichuk5c :wave:
Thank you for sharing Figma examples and more feedback.
I checked the screens and the size that they have is a bit more than we could support at this point.
As mentioned in our docs we support mobile designs at 375 x 667 px in portrait.
But be sure that I will share your feedback with the team and let you know if there are any updates on that.

The problem is not in this.

Photo 1: after I reenter my screen
Photo 2: after I hit reload button.
And every time I reenter, this happens AGAIN.