My downloaded .APK installs but does not open

Hello. I made an app and downloaded it to may phone, installed it, theicon is on the screen, but when I try to open it closes imediatelly. I see there are old posts about similar problems, but no viable solution for my problem. The app has an id, etc, and the problem happens even on friend’s cellphones.
I made some adjustments on the app but the new .apk has the same problem.


Same here, it says it has a bug

Hello @Alex_M
Welcome to our community
Thank you for sharing your issue
Because each case is different. There are many possible reasons for an app crashing.
Could you please share your project URL in a personal message to further investigate it?
We are always happy to offer support.

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After doing some changes, not to fix the bug, and download it again, it opens so I can’t say what it was.

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