My app-Message board chat room-Combine sound and photos

An anonymous chat room I made, you can click to copy it and modify it to your favorite style!


I think it’s a good job!

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Hey! I made that app. I have different effects in the app. Check the community’s chat app sent by @tanish-satpal . But it is the same app which I created in the starting. Its good though, it has time. I do not have it but how you have written it, not good. You should write the time first

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I modified it

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Think it’s good for beginners but you can add sending voice messages and images

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@codeemaker18dwu I have changed See( Please use the mobile phone simulator app or installed mobile phone οΌ‰
Please use you own API!



This is an anonymous message chat room where you can send text, photos, sounds or links. The text sent can be read aloud for you, the photo can be previewed or downloaded, and the recording can be play. The link can be clicked to open.

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Great @tony.ycy.program This is the best Chat app shared publicly,

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Very good!!

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could you please share it again… thanks

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I will re-share, please wait.

I rebuilt this app, you can see

Please test on your phone to use full functionality.

Much appreciated :pray:

@Eng_RSMY I found the error and solved it.
Please copy the new version of the project, re-enter the api and database url.

You can tell me in the chat room. Remember to change your avatar.


Thanks a lot