Merge lists in object and sort data

Here is example of data what I have. Data are calculated from different sheets and preview in two lists.

Now I must sort those and get this. Values from users must follow points during sort.

I search and find how lists can be merged into object and then sorted. Here is my exmple but app crash when I run it.

I guess something with data types and object is not correct.
Notice: data should be sorted by values in list userpointslist.
Is it possible done it somehow without object, just with list? Maybe with sort numeric descending in list options?
Thanks guys for help.

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Hello @robert.newton.442rpp
The issue is with the “sort numeric descending” block.
This block needs to be connected to a list and the get property block returns null because the block doesn’t specify which item in the list you would like to get the property.

Instead of using two lists, I suggest using one data source(Google Sheets or Airtable) and sorting it using the sort view: Data Sources | Thunkable Docs

Thanks for help but yesterday I manage solve problem. There is few issuses with my code.
Here is working solution. I can’t use filter is data source since data are first calculated and then it should be sorted.

I manage solve it thank to this topic.


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