Menu Itens missing

Hi i am watching a tutorial and some itens at the menu that apears at video i cant find at my plataform. The file button “rows”, the option Files to import images and other diferent positions at the buttons.

Are you using the Snap to Place or Drag & Drop interface? Can you post a screenshot of your project?

tks to reply imediataly.

I try to use the non drag and drop interface but that way all commands of position or size are manualy input. its difficult a lot my job

That screenshot is from the Drag & Drop (DnD) interface. Rows have been moved to the Layout component which is in private beta: Join us in Beta Testing the new Layouts component! (Rows / Columns for the Drag and Drop Interface).

Can you say more about this? Do you mean Figma integration? Or just assigning an image to a button component? Or something else?

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