hello I’m new and still trying to understand thunkable, but something i noticed was when i watch tutorials some components that they use are unavailable for me such as timers and rows, is this a bug or am i missing something?
Hi and welcome to Thunkable!
It’s not a bug. There are two versions of the interface called Drag and Drop and Snap to Place. When you create a new project, if you uncheck the box, you can use the Snap to Place interface which is older.
Post a screenshot of your interface and someone can let you know which one you’re using and how to find Timers and Rows.
Hi @saedkarajeh8vfftw, welcome to Thunkable!
Do you remember how you ended up getting to those video tutorials? Was it just through YouTube?
Yes. You’re using the newer Drag & Drop interface. In that interface, rows are called “containers” and can be found in the Layout component in your screenshot.
The Timer component can be found in the Blocks tab. See this documentation page for details: Timer Blocks - Thunkable Docs.
Were they videos from our Thunkable YouTube channel or other creators you searched for?
thanks your a life saver
other creators
sorry i did not check before responding, i found the timer but i can seem to find the container component
Layouts are in beta. @conroy do they need to opt in for that?
@saedkarajeh8vfftw The Layout component is in public beta so all users will have access to it. The containers will be in your component tree after you add the Layout component to your screen.
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