Losing Tons of Work!

Still happening for me … basically I’m “editing” (blocks) and occasionally the screen seems to refresh (ie goes totally white for a split second) then stuff is gone!

Has NOT happened since, not sure why, perhaps (with experience) I’m being more careful? No white screens and/or block loss etc

Happened with me yesterday. It happened twice but luckily the first time it reset the screen while I was looking at it.
This time round I finished everything I was trying to do. Even figuring out a fix that had me stumped only to come back today and find that it has reset to halfway through my work from yesterday. So now I have to figure out how to do that fix again.
It seems to happen everytime thunkable updates. Can we have some kind of warning when you’re updating please so that I don’t go wasting loads of time working on this project when I could be doing others?