Hello. I need an aproach strategy in thunkable to solve this kind of action:
The closest block i found in Thunkable for that is “count with i from x to y” so:
My problem is that on my secont count inside the first, i cannot change variable “i”… Renaming will change first too…
Maybe count is not intended to solve this, and you will point me to other block Thank you.
… but now i have another issue …
lets say that i=2; j=3 … i have 6 items in generated list, but, in my example, list looks like:
instead of
so i, j reacts as numbers in count, but when trying to generate list, they keep initialized values 0
Nested loops can work in Thunkable but there are quite a few components that take too long to complete their code and don’t work inside of loops. You’re using a stored variable which is a slower method of storing/retrieving data in Thunkable. I wonder what happens if you use an app variable?
It’s very possible that you’re going to need to add some Wait blocks (possibly just wait 0 seconds) within the loop block(s) to slow things down.
so i guess that count only works as a counter and those ii, jj variables dont keep values…
so i imagine that i need other 2 variables to keep results, and it works
I know you already solved your issue but I wanted to highlight something which should save you from creating lots of variables.
The variables inside the loops and parameters of functions are special type of variables.
You do not need to created app variables to use them as loop number holders.
When you add a loop block you can click on the variable to rename it like this,
Now you have a variable for the loop and is available as the name only without the app variable proceeding it.
well, thank you, but doesnt work for me… it still rename both… this kind of aproach was my 1st…
maybe because i duplicate 1st loop for second when editing ? … ill retry now without duplicate and make second loop from the scratch