Issue "You are running an outdated version of the software. Please hard refresh or clear your browser cache

Whenever i go to an app designer, I see the message saying that i’m running an outdated version and to hard refresh or clear browser cache even after i did the instructions given. If you know how o fix this please reply.

Hey @zbk0612eip8w It sounds like you have Thunkable open in multiple tabs, or perhaps you are signed into your account on more than one device?

In either event, a hard refresh should fix this for you.

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I did hard refresh it and it appers again

@domhnallohanlon, yes i did so,but it is still displaying the error

Do you have Thunkable open in more than one tab (or on more than on device? )

i have thunkable on my pc and i have thunkable live on my ipad

No, that should be ok.

What about if you sign out and sign back in again? Does that get rid of the message for you?