it’s like if i thought it was List but thunkable regard it as Text
for example) if i make an object in Firebase like
- property1 : value1
- property2 : value2
and i take it as “get object properties of” cloud ABC
then, if i want to get the length of it, it should “2” but it said “3”
and if i want to get the items of it, it should “property1, property2” but it said “A, B, and C”
i dont think it always have done like that.
is it only my problem?
I have also encountered a number of issues related to how thunkable handles lists and object. Thunkable’s handling of variables and their values changes unexpectedly with some regularity. Is it unfortunately part of working with thunkable. You can submit a bug report using GitHub. But few of my reported bugs have been addressed.