Is it possible to save background colors in a list?

Now its your turn to help me with my issues :rofl:

  1. make rows to scrool.
  2. when navigating thru screens using drawer navigator, if one of the screens is “lanscape”, then program is “thinking” way to much before displaying it

I took a challenge with myself to develop the Mastermind app in DnD UI. Have a look and let me know your thoughts.

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As for me, i did it… Looks great, by the way… too bad that i need to learn about the game and figure it out how to play :slight_smile:

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Yes, @mimostel I tested a sample project and there seem to be delays. I have to try more to see it the delay is related to the number of components in the page or to the number of code blocks in the project.


Is definitely related to the number of components to display on the screen. Delay is much more if you select another, more consistent contest from what i`ve sent to you (try with the last contest from the list, same password :wink:)


OK, will do.
However, can you have an option like a button in the screen for the user to choose between portrait and landscape. This way the user is aware if the delay or it least understand that it is his/her choice.


I could do this only if i can solve my other issue… horizontal scroll :rofl:… other way, portrait is not an option for my table… it doesnt fit