Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well.
I am very excited to share my device and battery information modules.
You must have had it once you want to access certain information from your device and use it in your app to for example disable certain futures if the software version doesn’t support it.
Well worry no more, with these 2 modules you can gather various kinds of information from your device.
Introducing the Battery and Device information modules.
With these modules you can gather various information about the device such as OS version or mobile device name.
You can find these modules documented in Mod Docs! along with other modules
Got an idea or bug?
Please don’t hesitate to share them with me on our discord server and place them in their right channel.
This way I can easily keep track of them, thank you.
Please note that these modules are not supported on firefox, safari and ios, this is because apple and firefox refuse to sadly implement the API’s.
I know this may not be optimal for everyone and i understand that for some this may still suck but this is all i could do, thank you for your understanding.
I’d also like to take this moment to inform you all that the technology used behind the modules are experimental so it may change in the future or be buggy.
I’m looking forward to what you all will create, so don’t hesitate to share.
Thank you and hope you like the modules <3