Infinite zoom fractal in webviewer

hello everyone - I’m getting the following error (or variations thereof) when trying to implement an infinite zoom fractal in webviewer:

WebGL is supported! Initializing fractal…
Fragment Shader Error: ERROR: 0:15: ‘while’ : This type of loop is not allowed
Program Linking Error: Fragment shader is not compiled.
WebGL Error: 1282
WebGL Error: 1282
WebGL Error: 1282


WebGL is supported! Initializing fractal…
Fragment Shader Error: ERROR: 0:17: ‘for’ : Invalid init declaration
Program Linking Error: Fragment shader is not compiled.
WebGL Error: 1282
WebGL Error: 1282
WebGL Error: 1282


WebGL is supported! Initializing fractal…
Fragment Shader Error: ERROR: 0:12: ‘for’ : Invalid init declaration
Program Linking Error: Fragment shader is not compiled.
WebGL Error: 1282
WebGL Error: 1282
WebGL Error: 1282

As I understand it, I am getting these errors because there are restrictions imposed by Thunkable in WebGL’s GLSL ES. Can someone confirm? Or, or help me troubleshoot. If this persists, Thunkable is not viable for my use case.

Many thanks,


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