[Solved] Thunkable Live Test App All Labels Disappeared (iOS)

I recently updated the thunkable live app version 263 in iOS 14 and all the label in the live test disappeared. Version 263 supposed to fix UI bugs and update software libraries. @domhnallohanlon or Thunkable team, any fixes?

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I confirm the problem!

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Your problem is same as mine?

Yes! The problem affects all users

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Thought my app was just having the problem! Thanks for confirming!

Another problem that arose at the same time. Invisible function for Label does not work.

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Yeah I have same problem!
Can Thunkable fix this problem quickly?
If I download my app, the app can show?

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Ack! What’s the timeline for a fix? Is it just iOS or also Android?

Thanks for flagging.

Just for some additional background here, in our last release there was an issue with labels not showing in built apps.

When this last release came out we also submitted an update for Thunkable Live on iOS. If you look at the version histories you’ll see that our Android update went live on 10th March but Apple only reviewed and approved the iOS version yesterday (21st March) so my guess here is that the two are related.

This is a bit trickier to gauge unfortunately. From a technical perspective there shouldn’t be any difficulties developing a fix for this however it might take a day (or more?) to go through the Apple review process again.

Apologies for the inconvenience with this - we’ll keep you all updated with our progress as this develops.

cc: @juschan0605 @Balanced_Kitchen @tony.ycy.program @catsarisky


Emulator of my phone text display error
Help Help


Will u please update the status page below, it still says all systems operational

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We’re creating a new release and submitting an update to Apple now

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Is this problem happening with webapps in the Safari browser? I can’t test it. @domhnallohanlon

probably not
It’s live app’s problem

As it happens @caminostudio I built (and shared) a web app this morning and it worked fine for me on Chrome and Safari:

Can you tell me a bit more about what you’re trying to test please?

Version 264 is now available in the apple store. So far I have no problem!


Hi everyone,

Just confirming what @Balanced_Kitchen has reported here: Thunkable Live version 264 is now live in the App Store, and this behavior has been resolved.

Thanks everyone who reported this behavior!


7 posts were split to a new topic: Labels are moved to the left on iOS Live App

Thanks thunkable team and @domhnallohanlon for this rapid fix! Love thunkable!!