Image to base64

I have spent DAYS trying to find a way to convert an image in thunkable into a base64 string (that I can store locally). I have seen how a webviewer can convert an image into base64 if the image if picked within the webviewer but that is not what I am trying to do. I want to take a picture with the camera control…I want to pass the image to a webviewer…and then I want to convert the image (now within the webviewer) into base64. I have spent days trying to use a blob url string and can display it within the webviewer, but I simply cannot get the javascript to encode into base64 within the webviewer on the image that came from a blob image. HELP! Thunkable used to have this functionality and now it doesn’t. Yeesh!

Hello @cindy.sanbornl8ubbu welcome to Thunkable.
What exactly have you tried so far could you share your code?