Image download option


Need help to implement image download option in x.thunkable.



Do you need to download images from where and where?

Thanks for Reply!

Actually I want download option for the image I display on screen.


Clear. While this is really unavailable.


Could you please help me how to implement button background image sharing in x.thunkable

To share an image, you can convert it to base64, then share the resulting string with Local Storage, send it via instant messengers using Share or by e-mail. Another option is to save the image in the MediaDB store and use the link received on it.

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Thanks for great support !!

Is it possible in thunkable to click on screen1 button and load image on screen2 at run time.

eg. In screen1 we have 2 button and on button click it will load the image in screen2 image container.

Let say for button1 click it will load picture1 and on button2 click it will load picture2


In Thunkable X, you can not call widget blocks of another screen. Therefore, it is impossible to press the button on Screen1 and load the image to Screen2. But you do not need to do this. When you click button on Screen1, record the image address in Local Storage, and when you open Screen2, read from the Local Storage this address and set it to Image.Picture block.


Thanks for your reply

But my requirement is, when button press on screen1, it will open the new screen and display image on that screen what we set on button 1 press.

I have one more query… how to add banner ads in x.thunkable.


Check it

“how to add banner ads in x.thunkable?” - in the current version of Thunkable X, this is not possible to do.


Thanks lot for your Great Help!!

Now come up with one more query…

How to display full screen image when click on image.



Is there any way around to add ads in x.thunkable.


Cover the image with absolute positioning in Column with a transparent button.


Uploading Apk in Google I am getting this message. How to remove this because I do not want to set privacy policy.

Store listing
1 task to complete before you rollout
Your app has an apk with version code 7 that requests the following permission(s): android.permission.CAMERA,android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO,android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE. Apps using these permissions in an APK are required to have a privacy policy set.

Hi @Vinay_Verma - hopefully you have resolved this issue by now but you will need a privacy policy in place to avoid seeing this error message.