I Need Help To Count How many Days left in actual time in my Project

I am Working on App need to count Days To Manage Salary time, But I couldn’t make it count or know how many days left in real life.
I Need Help :frowning:

Hi and welcome to Thunkable! Can you provide more details and a specific example?

What do you mean by “how many days left in real life”? Only the grim reaper knows that! :wink:

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I mean how can I make the app know the actual time and calculate how many days have passed after using the app even if it is closed, is that possible?

So you want to know the uptime of the app after it’s been downloaded, is that correct?

If so yu can use stored variables to store the seconds from opening and then just increase that variable every second using the timer component.
Wich you can then displays as seconds or turn into minutes, hours, seconds etc using certain math formulas.

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Yes That is What I mean. Thanks!
But I don’t know how to use Stored Variable or Test it, Can You Give me Link of Stored Variables ?