I am creating an app for the first time. Thought Chat GPT could help. I am lost

I am trying to build an App that creates a data base of entries associated with the submitters name.

Then I would like an entry to be selected at random and displayed

Additionally I would like the data base to select one submitter not associated with the selected entry.

Example: John Doe Submits Blue, Red, Green.
Jane doe submits 1, 2, 3
Same Doe submits apple, orange, banana

Blue is randomly selected from the data base, and John’s name is selected with it. Sam is also randomly selected from the data base and his name is displayed.

Hi and welcome to Thunkable. This requires quite a few different steps. What have you done so far? Where are you getting stuck? It’s best to post a link to your project so that others here can give advice on how to proceed. Or if not, then screenshots of your blocks.

Thank you so much for replying I have attached too screen grabs. Not sure how to share access to my page. But the jpg called Start resultus is where I wanted to input the data. And the jpg called Results would be were it shows up. Really appreciate the help.