Hello. I have made a system where users can upload/click their picture and it gets saved to their account in the cloud in Firebase… I followed the Thunkable YouTube tutorial and works like a charm
But now i want to save the date when a user signs up to the user’s account but its not working! Sometimes it displays the date but doesnt save it… other times it returns null… pls can someone help me with the logic?
Thank you,
It’s probably an issue with slashes (/) which are used to denote Firebase paths. When I stored date strings in Firebase, I converted them to dashes (-).
If that’s not the problem, post a screenshot of the blocks you’re using.
Why? Isn’t that the part that’s not working? That would be the part we need to see.
Also, what happens if you save a different text string to Firebase such as “this is a test”? Does that work? If so, what happens if you save “12-17-22”? Does that work? If so, what happens if you save “12/17/22”? Does that work? In all three cases, make sure you are hard-coding the text strings.
Yes, i tested with text in the cloud variable and it returns null. But if it is numeric value it works properly
i tested 17/12/2022 and 17-12-2022 and they both work.
Also, i am trying to save the date of signup in one screen and displaying it in another screen, just for clarificiation.
Unfortunately, i cannot see the date variable in realtime database nor does it display any output…also after adding those new blocks, after i press sign up, it signs me up but doesn’t auto redirect me to login screen.
You’re creating an object with a null value for the “date” field. You can’t store null values in Firebase so you need to give it a value such as “” (an empty string).
I had one more question actually…I have stored my assets (pdf files) in OneDrive and have created direct download links so when a user presses download, it opens the webviewer and auto downloads the file which is great… everything works!
But my question is that can i store these same files in firebase and then download from the database to the device directly (will it be faster and less tedious)? Or if it isn’t possible then its fine… the OneDrive method works
You may be able to store PDFs in Firebase storage but I don’t know much about that. I don’t think it would be any faster than OneDrive. Cloudinary is another option for cloud storage of PDFs but OneDrive is probably fine.
But how do i download if i’m storing it in firebase/cloudinary? I thought thunkable will have dedicated functions to download but that’s not the case. So i’ll stick with OneDrive cos the download links never expire.
Actually i made a screen called download center and everytime a user presses “Download” from some other screen it will redirect user to Download Center, change WebViewer’s URL to the downloadlink and download file. Best part abt this design is that the user never leaves the app!! Also the web viewer is hidden and the user sees some animation for 5 secs and then goes back to main screen!!