How to play sounds in a list?

Hello, I’m creating a language teaching app that has audio lists of words. But it refuses to play sound even though when I put an image in the list it can play. Do you have a way to help me fix it? (I try to put sounds into lists because it’s more convenient than playing them one at a time. Because there are more than 20 questions.

try this:

what your code is currently achieving is trying to play a list as that’s what its source input is. You need to play each of them individually and consecutively so go item-wise in your list.

However, in case you’re trying to achieve something like this:
When ‘Hello’ clicked - play sound hello.mp3 (play sounds according to the word clicked)
then try this:

group all the buttons (other than PlayVoice) that the user needs to interact with in one column/row.

Save your audios in the list in the order in which their associated buttons appear.

i haven’t tested this but something like this should work for you.

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