How to move multiple sprites one after another before completion of previous one?

Say, one sprite is moving and will take 8 sec to hit the edge/complete the motion. During its movement (in between 8 sec), say after 2 sec, how to move another sprite. I want to move another sprite before completion the movement of first sprite. How is it possible ? Please guide me.

Hi and welcome to Thunkable!

It’s helpful if you post a screenshot of your blocks or a link to your project. That way someone can advise you about the best way to modify your code.

Thank you for your quick response.

This code is running. Here, one sprite is coming at any one of the five columns (vertical track) as I defined. But, I want multiple sprites to come simultaneously. They would come at different columns parallelly. Even, they might appear in same column (after certain gap) also.

Here’s how I would do this:

Project link: Thunkable


There’s a couple reasons your blocks were not working:

  1. When you use a variable in a function and then call that function multiple times nearly instantaneously (without a Wait block inbetween), the value of the variable is unpredictable. I was initially getting 3 of the same color sprite, for example.

  2. You need to use the green component block to let Thunkable know you are setting properties for the sprite that was just created. Showing a sprite has a different effect than creating one.‘’

Three sprites

Thank you once again.

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