How to get the position number of the alphabet series

in text box i will input the alphabet single letter or double letter ,
now i want to get the position number of the alphabet in label 1
for example if i enter (A = 1 , B=2 ,C=3 ,…Z=26 , AA = 27 , AB = 28 , AC = 29 …ZZ = 702 .

i am using these formulas in excel to get the position number of the alphabet series , formula used in excel to get the position number of the alphabet series =SUMPRODUCT((CODE(MID(A2,LEN(A2)-ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A2)))+1,1))-64)*26^(ROW(INDIRECT(“1:”&LEN(A2)))-1))

Screenshot 2023-10-03 130832

If you already have the two values (the letter or letters and the number), you can just search column A for that value and get column B for the same row.

If you connect the find first occurrence of list block with the list of values data source block, you should be able to get the row # you need.

try this

here are the blocks

note: max number letters for the row name is assumed to be 2

here’s the link (use screen 12)

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