How to flatten an object

If I understand you correctly, then the problem actually is that Thunkable Lists are half cooked objects. That is why your JSON validator cannot recognize it as true JSON. If you add a square bracket [ ] at the beginning and end of the JSON produced from the list then your validator should accept it.

This is the same reason why Firebase has issues saving Thunkable Lists.

Hope this answers your question.

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I put square brackets and json validator told me ok

it’s a nice demonstration of sharing and passion


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I’m glad this solved the issue.

[More Explanation]

If the list is simple like all numbers

Then you can use the generate JSON from object which will converted to a JSON acceptable list.
For example
These blocks will show numbers

But these blocks will show a proper list

Notice the brackets are added automatically. Unfortunately this does not happen when you use JSON string as elements of the list.

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