How to find LCM and GCD of 2 numbers

I want to find LCD and GCD of 2 numbers I really need help at this thing because I’m going to have an exam about this but all of my classmates don’t know how to solve this question, can you guys give me an example of the code? Thank you!

P.s. Sry for bad English

Hey @48107kgul What would the math formula look like?

All people go to the start of the competition on bicycles, and you and your friends decided to deceive everyone and go to the start of the competition on bicycles, in which the motor is hidden in the form of a ready-made solution? You didn’t even bother to think about solving these problems, but you want us to pass the exam for you? Interesting you came up with.

Other users may be able to help you, but I can only say that Thunkable X can help you solve these problems.

This is greatest common divisor.

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