`{“time”:{“updated”:“Aug 21, 2018 09:12:00 UTC”,“updatedISO”:“2018-08-21T09:12:00+00:00”,“updateduk”:“Aug 21, 2018 at 10:12 BST”},“disclaimer”:“This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data converted using hourly conversion rate from openexchangerates.org”,“chartName”:“Bitcoin”,“bpi”:{“USD”:{“code”:“USD”,“symbol”:“$”,“rate”:“6,455.0650”,“description”:“United States Dollar”,“rate_float”:6455.065},“GBP”:{“code”:“GBP”,“symbol”:“£”,“rate”:“5,030.5354”,“description”:“British Pound Sterling”,“rate_float”:5030.5354},“EUR”:{“code”:“EUR”,“symbol”:“€”,“rate”:“5,596.8964”,“description”:“Euro”,“rate_float”:5596.8964}}}
How can i extract the value i want?
For example i want to extract “Euro” “rate_float” value
No, the blocks are wrong. You need to figure out how to work with JSON. First, open the top object and look at its contents, then the next object, etc. Working with json is similar to cabbage: first to get about the stump, you must first tear off the topmost cabbage leave, then the cabbage leave under it, then the next cabbage leave, etc.
You are trying to solve the problem from the very end so nothing happens.
How do you want to solve a problem with a chain of 5-6 blocks, if you do not understand how the 1 block works?
First, make a block to get the contents of the node “time”. If this is obtained, then make a block to get the node “updated” - “Aug 21, 2018 11:41:00 UTC”. Then get the value of the block “USD”. If you do this, you will immediately understand how everything works.
Hi Actech, how do i get the photo reference when Im able to get the name of the place but not the photo reference using the method of the following blocks?? what json path am i missing?? please see my project link also in your messages.