How to Create a To Do App & Store the Items in a Stored List

Thank you!

Hola, estoy teniendo un problema, al guardarlo en una variable en la nube, cada vez que un usuario agrega algo a la lista, estĂł se ve reflejado en las aplicaciones de todos los usuarios, probe utilizando una variable local, pero no quiero que se guarde en el telefono, quiero que se guarde bajo el localId de cada usuario, pero no logro hacerlo, podrias ayudarme por favor?

Hi, I have copied your code over to the app that I am working on but I am unable to add anything to a list on the live function. Have I done something wrong on the Blocks section?

Hey @stevepeirson2x9p2vv, please check out this example

you will want to set up that variable as an empty list if it is not set as such already. see the image below. The var will equal null on load. you cant add an item to a var set as null as if it was a list without making it an empty list first as seen below or making it a list that you overwrite.

You may need to initialize the cloud List as a list variable.

So in “when My Games Starts” add “if cloud List is null, set cloud List to empty list”.

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For the purpose of a list that could potentially be endless, absolutely, @Darren is right that you’d want to set the cloud var to be an empty list.

My example above comes from a demo of how to set pathways (keys) using a cloud variable and it incorporated a counter and a way to switch between pathways.

Darren that is so easy. Created a simple shared shopping list

Thanks so much




How could I do a List Viewer with pictures?

Thank you for this detailed info :+1:

Hello @new99770067fjh!
Welcome to the community!:clap:

At this time, there is no way to add images to the list viewer component. Sorry! :frowning_face:

However, if you use the “Data Viewer List” component, you can add images and text directly from Airtable, Google Sheets or Data stored locally

For more information on this component, check out Thunkable’s docs linked below.

I hope this can help you!:smile:


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Thans for the answer.

I’ll try to use this component

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