I’ve been looking around for how to make a signature app and non of the posts I have come across have been solved and I can’t find out how to do this on my own.
I’m trying to have it so that a user first submits their signature, and then later on when they need to verify who they are to complete an action, they would just do their signature. If this signature is similar to their other completed signature (which would be stored on a google sheet), then they are allowed to complete that action.
Is there any way you could easily do this as I don’t have much time till the project that this is needed for is due.
Thanks for any help and assistance .
@terraceaccapp3hc7yk, It is not too hard to include a canvas in your app and save the signature as an image BUT, having the app match the two signatures is another matter. Every time someone signs it is slightly different, so you would need to use some pretty sophisticated programming to match the two. Handwriting experts look for many different similarities in signatures to make a match. It isn’t easy.
No, there isn’t. You could probably find an API to do this but I wouldn’t know what to recommend. If you’re new to Thunkable, I don’t recommend doing this unless you have many hours to spend on trial and error. You also may need to pay for an API that can do this.
How would you save the signature as an image?
Hi @terraceaccapp3hc7yk,
I have made a project which you can use
try it out and see if it is what you are looking for. it saves the image as a variable but you can store it in a data source
This is helpful, thanks for taking the time to do this.
I’m also nearly done the other project for you and will post that probably later today.