I try to make it possilble to round a number that is not a comma problem…
but taking the first number, with extra a nummeric 0 is not possible
BUT I found ‘round down’
Please who can help me: because teacher in school only first let children do maths with the T (first number with zero) and than the rest…
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@karelrosseel82 I’ve moved this question to its own topic since it specifically concerns using the round
The first question in your screen shot asks:
"is round down only for numbers like 3.1 i.e. decimal numbers"
Yes, all 3 of these options expect a comma number (decimal number) and return an appropriate whole number (integer).
To test a block like this for yourself you can create a new test project and do something like this:
If you now preview this in Thunkable Live you can try out different combinations of number and rounding for yourself.
For example:
- round(6.1) = 6
- round(6.8) = 7
- round_up(6.1) = 7
- round_up(6.8) = 7
- round_down(6.1) = 6
- round_down(6.8) = 6
Your second question then, is something like:
"Can I disregard the ones value of a number, i.e round down to the nearest tens value?
Again, this is pretty straightforward if you break it down into smaller pieces.
- The first thing is to divide your number by 10, thus 61 becomes 6.1, 68 would become 6.8
- Next, round down the result of this calculation so 6.1 becomes 6 and 6.8 also becomes 6
*Finally, multiply the answer by 10 to get 60
Hope that helps.
It worked perfectly, thank you very much
here is my example
I will make it fansier also
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