How can I use text validation to disallow white spaces " " from a text input?

I want to prevent the setting of the nickname if the user uses a space when creating a nickname. I know the block that checks if it is empty, but I wonder if there is a block that can check the spacing.

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I would probably first validate the length of the string as a starting point. Additionally you could have a piece of logic that requires there to be actual letters and that each character in the string is a letter and not a space. This kind of logic could impede the ability to make a nickname that is made up of two names so the logic would need to be done appropriately. For example checking to see if there are any spaces. If there are is there a text in front of the space. If so is it at least one or more characters. That’s just an idea off the top of my head but the validation is some thing that you will want to use the logic and text blocks for.

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