How can I connect Thunkable to python code

Hello, I’m a beginner of Thunkable. I’d like to develop an app using Thunkable this time, and I’d like to connect the method of receiving parameters(str), crawling, and returning value(str) through Python code. I’d like to know how.
Is there a way to get the Python file from Thunkable, deliver the value, and receive it?

but it isnt possible
for now

I’m sorry. Then is there any other way to use crawling?

can you explain what is crawling?

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There is no native way to run python in thunkable.

There are 2 ways to send and receive data from code run outside Thunkable: web api and web viewer. Neither are really designed for running python. You might check out this article as a potential starting point Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian