Help with filtering data!

Hi everyone!

I need a help with my app. I would like to when the user clicks on the a post in the page “PostsScreen” that it opens the profile from the person that posted that. And in its profile that it displays only the post that that person received on his profile. Below is my code in the PostsScreen

And here is my code in the the ProfileScreen:

this is my app: Thunkable
Could anyone help me with this task?

PS: I have seen a solution in which it filters inside google sheets, but I do not see how it could work if multiple users were using the app at the same time, so I would like prefer to use some solution exclusively with blocks.

In advance, thank you very much.

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What is not working for you? When I click on an item from the data viewer on the posts screen, it dynamically populates all of the correct information on the profile screen.

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Thank you, Matt! I’ll definitely read it. Apologies for my previous message.

What’s not working is that when the user clicks on a profile and navigates to the ProfileScreen, it should retrieve, in the DLV, only the messages sent to that specific profile. For example, in the image you attached, it is displaying messages where the recipient is not “gcinfra.” COuld you help me?

Thank you again for your patience and time!