Help me when press back button my application taking me to phone screen rather than application home screen

when i click on button then next window appear as per my command but when i came back from that window app get closed rather then to put me in home screen . Earlier everything was fine please help me out .

Have you written any block for " When Screen X Back pressed do "

no… i didnot … and earlier also i didnt do that. is it needed? please help me how to do that?

earlier everything was fine. not this problem coming. help me

Write this Block on main screen of your App

and for rest of the screen Write this block

Hope this will help you out !! :star_struck:

i have same problem since last update :slight_smile:

Bro export your app and try it its not working during test mode

ohhk bro. you did that and your issue resolve?

i try that but still it wont worked . any othee advicw bro.?

This block isn’t available on cross platform, or I can’t find it…

It’s not available.

@cttricks your advice is meant for classic not cross :slight_smile:

Ican suggest to store in a local storage a value depending on the screen you’re leaving and that when the back button is pressed you call the value to know which screen to go to. Or otherwise you can manually add a back button so the users know what to do :blush: