GPS Data - first app

my son and I just finished our first thunkable app.
It displays Location and Orientation sensor’s data to show current location, speed and altitude. It also displays a compass.
You can save the location and share it.
Here is the screenshot

I do have one question I couldn’t find answer to. Is it possible to automatically show keyboard in notification. After it is clicked on Save button a notification pops up but you also have to click on a field to show keyboard and I would like that to be done automatically:

link to application:
GPS data on Gogle Play


@VITKAdesign Congratulations on your first app. Yes you can toggle keyboard. Try the below extention there is a block for togglekeyboard. You can call the event along with the notifier component.

Thanks for a quick answer. I tried to toggle keyboard but with no success. I tried it like this (see screenshot) and it only triggers a Enter location name Notifier but no keyboard.


Thank you for letting us know yes i confirm above method is not working, Please use the TaifunTools extension: App Inventor Extensions: Tools | Pura Vida Apps

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Thanks again :slight_smile:

that sound awsome to have a son that love what dad love Lol


Wow, this app is quite complex for a first app!


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VITKAdesign I’m interested in your speed system, could you explain to me how it works or can I please get the .aia of your application please ?

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