Generate a group of students on one screen which would be automatically transferred to another screen

Generate a group of students on one screen which would be automatically transferred to another screen.Currently I manage to create the group with a list that fills up as I add first names. But it disappears when I change screens and cannot find it automatically on another screen

If you are using a list, you will need to assign it to a variable and then access that variable from a different screen.

If you get stuck, post a link to your project or a screenshot of your blocks.

Also, see this: How to ask Great Questions v2.0

I tried to associate the list with a variable but it doesn’t seem to work. Many thanks for the feedback

When the screen opens, if the stored variable is null, you need to give it an initial value. Set it to the empty list block. Then – after the if block – set the app variable to the stored variable. You want to do this (I assume) every time the screen is opened rather than only when the app is opened for the very first time (the stored variable will only have a null value once).

The “tool tip” is covering a crucial part of your code. Can you tell me what you’re setting there… stored variable or app variable?

I managed to solve my problem, thank you. On another page, I have an issue. My two lists have the same number of lines every time I click the button, except that once I select an item from my dropdown menu, the lines in the right list disappear, whereas I would like them to remain.

Can you share an updated link to your project?


You’re telling Thunkable to loop through each item in a stored variable but you haven’t given that variable a value yet. I’m surprised that doesn’t crash your project.

Also, just an aside but this doesn’t do anything:


In the meantime, I tried to solve the problem without restoring it to the state shown in the screenshot. I will attempt to resolve it again. Also, while researching online, I realized that I might not have the same blocks available… Will the paid version provide me with additional blocks like dropdowns and others?

The paid versions are more about additional add-on features. The blocks are pretty much the same. See Pricing | Thunkable.