Filtering or Search System

Hi all,

I’m looking for help with making a filtering system or search bar on my app. The app is a place for users to connect with each other and trade Pokemon Cards.

I’ve only just started this and at the moment, I’ve managed to implement a system where on one tab users can submit a card for trading (with appropriate details) that is then stored on a Google Sheet and then a Data Viewer Grid that displays all of this information.

Below is an example of the Data Viewer Grid displaying the submissions (blacked out some of the pics as they were personal photos I used as a test from my phone)

In the event the app becomes popular, it would be much more convenient to be able to search for a specific card or even filter based on the Pokemon, otherwise you could have an endless sea of Charizards that aren’t relevant to the user.

I’ve tried a few times to search for a solution and the limited solutions seem to have poor feedback from other users or they’re very old solutions. I wanted to make a topic to see if anyone has any advice or ideas on how to achieve this.

As it’s a new app and will no doubt be unsuccessful for the early stages, it doesn’t need to be overly complex, but a simple way to filter some of the submissions would be excellent.

I appreciate any and all help!

Hello @8bitretrofishep welcome to the community
In this post you can find some good ideas: Help with displaying airtable data that contains the words filtered with the search engine - Questions about Thunkable - Community

You can Try it by using " Does Text “apple is good” contains “a”
and ( List of Values in Row " ROW" of Table " TABLE " ) Block
and the Refresh Viewer List Each Time

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Hi Ioannis,

Thanks for this - in regards to the local table, would this not cause a disruption for multiple users who might be using it at the same time?

Hello @8bitretrofishep
By using a local table only for the filtering it will not be an issue for multiple users.
Because you would be temporarily storing only relevant data that you want to display in the local data table. Each local data table is self-contained in the device, it can hold all the necessary data.

Ok do you have any suggestions how I get the data in a local table without manually adding it? I’m having no luck at the moment

You can use AI Integration too for Sorting if you don’t want to make things complex

Any advice on how that would work?

You need to be good at Prompt Engineering to Do This, you have to Create a Prompt to give according to how you want to sort, Here’s one Example of How I used it in My Project:

You have to Use Convert Text to List, and Vise-Versa for Sending Inputs and Receiving Outputs of the Sorted Data.

Then you can use the Sorted data However you want.
In this case, I used Number Sorting, but you can use it for Unlimited types of Sorting of Data Types, For Example, Rating, Sorting Numbers based on Even Odd, Prime-Coprime, Prices, Age, and Many More which you can’t Do with Traditional Blocks.
If you still don’t know how to Use this Method in your Project, you can DM me as I can Provide you with More help with this.

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Sounds interesting, the stumbling block I am having at the moment is organising the text into a readable format and then getting it to appear in a table.

I’ve set up a WebAPI block to call in a CSV of my Google Sheets doc. I’ve tried a multitude of different ways to organise it but it either ends up returning null, undefined or doing nothing.

See below:

This is the basis for this:


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