Export Excel from Google Sheets Web Viewer

Hello everybody, hope you are doing great!

I’m trying to download an excel file from a WebViewer component with access to Google Sheets.

This is the preview on the app (which is perfect)

But this is how it’s shown in Thunkable Live.

Does it mean i can’t access to the top bar and tools from the WebViewer’s app? Or am missing something?

The shared google sheets link has editor permission

Hi @maurizio.polverini89, do you have a demo of the code you used in the web viewer to produce this (you can DM it to us if you like)?

From just these two screenshots, it looks as if the second one, shown in Thunkable Live, is showing an non-editable preview of the spreadsheet whereas in the web preview, it is actually showing the entire Google Sheets site with you signed in for editing the document.

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Hello @matt_conroy , thank you for your time responding,

I used no blocks at all, i’ve just set the WebViewer URL to the sharable link from google sheets.
I thought since it was correctly displaying in the Thunkable online, it was also displaying the same things on Thunkable Live.

It’s exactly as you say, there’s a little pen on the second screenshot that allows me to modify the document but, once pressed, it asks me to open the Google Sheets app on my phone to continue.
(once clicked it doesn’t lead me anywhere, but i guess that’s not thunkable related).

Hi @maurizio.polverini89 thanks for your patience with this.

When you are adding a link like this in the web viewer component, it will load in the design editor similarly to how it would load if you just opening a new tab. So all of the login info, cookies, etc. will also load. That is why it shows as if you are signed in and viewing the standalone page.

When it loads via Thunkable Live, none of that information is transferred and so it is loading as if you are not signed in or as if you were using a preview link.