Error when I click remix project

I have a problem, It keeps saying error remix when I click “Click to remix” I can’t edit it. Can anyone help me I need help ASAP. Thunkable - Here is the link hope someone help me. @Thunkable_Staff

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Hi @jffabian26gh :wave:

I just remixed the app no problem. What account type and how many projects do you have?

Welcome to Thunkable.

If you are in the Free Plan and you already have 10 projects in your account then you will not be able to remix or create new projects.

It won’t allow me to remix it. It gave me the same error as above.

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Can you guys try this one?

I remixed it without any issues.

That doesn’t work for me. Same error as above.

Can you try a hard refresh? We pushed some updates last night

@tatiang are you at your limit by chance?

I just tried that. It didn’t work but…

Ha! Almost always. But I do have some storage space available (12 MB). Perhaps that’s not enough? Looking at the project, I see many .png files so that might put me over my limit.

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