Embed your app in a webpage and APIs

My app STRUL is working fine in real life but not when embedded in a webpage.
The ducmentation says that Admob Banner should work (Som other are not)
And it says nothing about feching data from APIS not working

The apps is embedded here - Expected behavior is various information when clicking the colorful buttons that represents problems (Strul) in the cummuter trafic.
Probably Silly and Simple …but… Any ideas… ??

See the app here…

Hi @stefansladdeneng1, please see this article about CORS and your web API, that is the cause of what is happening here.

When I open your webpage, there are errors in the console about CORS.
Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 2.00.32 PM

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But dude. This has been an issue for a long time. Are there plans to fix this. No other webapp builders published webapps have this issue going on.

I got some instrux from my Host provider to change the htcaccess file in the root foler. But they also said "i might need to update the instructions with the filetypes needed.
So What file types might this be for The API and for the Banner in Admob to work…?

The instructions i’ve got is the following
“<FilesMatch “.(ttf|otf|eot|woff|woff2|js)$”>

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers “Accept, X-Requested-With”

My guess is that it is additional filetypes needed (see the bold)
What do you suggest??

@matt_conroy Any ideas…?

@tatiang @ioannis perhaps you know the answer…??

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