Drawer Navigator -- Main Screen is not showing?

I just started exploring Thunkable to create an app running on my Android phone. I am having some difficulty understanding the Drawer Navigator feature. I have searched the web and also this forum but couldn’t find my answers. This is my first post, my apologies first if I have made any mistakes making this post.

I have created this project,

I have a Draw Navigator with one screen (“DrawerScreen1”) and a button (named “Drawer Button”) on the screen. And I also have a Main Screen (where the main app resides). It has one button “Main Button”.

From the Thinkable Docs, the reasons for having a Drawer Navigator is to hide screens while still showing the main screen.

I run the app on my Thunkable Live app on my HP: What I see is the DrawerScreen1. The Main Screen is kind of lost. I would expect to see the Main Screen shown and as I swipe the edge of my HP, the Drawer Navigator will appear and I can click on DrawerScreen1 to go to the DrawerScreen1 screen. But this is not happening.

Am I doing it right? Or maybe my understanding of the use of Drawer Navigator is wrong, hence, my expectations is wrong?

Hoping to get some clarity on this matter. Thank you all in advance.

Hello @bhenggoh36q
Welcome to the community
The issue is caused by the position of the “Main Screen” on the Component Tree
I suggest moving it above the “DrawerScreen1”

Hi ioannis

Thank you so much for your response. Sorry, I was busy with something else and didn’t respond to your reply earlier. Now, I am back working on my Thunkable project.

With regard to your suggestion, that was what I thought too at first. And so I moved the Main Screen to above the Drawer Navigator and then test it in my Live App on my HP.

Yes, now, the Main Screen shows, which is what is expected.

However, now, there is no way for me to access the Drawer Navigator. I tried swiping from the left edge of my HP screen, nothing happens.

Maybe I missed some steps?