Drag And Drop Running List of Issues and Bugs

  1. Is there no way to set a label’s font? Nor a button’s font?
  2. Where is the documentation for the Group component?
  3. It should be possible to name a component the same thing on multiple screens since they have unique IDs
  4. Thunkable Live should refresh content without requiring the app to be force-quit and re-launched
  5. Scrolling to the top of a Screen’s block list should not auto-scroll back down (I know, I’ll have to explain this one more…)
  6. Placing buttons below a Web Viewer so there’s a gap of about 30 pixels shouldn’t cause the buttons to overlap the bottom of the Web Viewer in Thunkable Live on iPhone 11 (it works on a Moto X4).
  7. An image component containing a .png of text from Illustrator doesn’t show up in Thunkable Live on an iPhone 11 and Moto X4. This was a caching issue with Thunkable Live.