Does anyone know how to get a shadow on Android

Android seems to be missing the shadow feature. It is an issue that affects me because I follow Google’s material design rules to make apps. Material design requires shadows to work properly, which android is missing this feature. I’ve provided an example of material design which would look abnormal without any shadows.

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In the advanced tab there is something and buttons have the ‘raised’ option that creates a shadow

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Hi there,
In the Thunkable X, have a feature that same as your requirement. The shadow, that’s appeared into the Advanced Tab. That’s a lot of appearance components were added the shadow mostly ( not including button )
Here is the setting of the shadow.


Sorry to bother you but I accidentally set the title to “IOS” instead of “Android”. Do you have any understanding why Android fails to show shadows. Thanks in advance

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Hi there,
What’s meant “fails to show shadows”?
It means what shadow setting you have set, but didn’t show it as you imagination?

The shadows only seem to work on iOS, but don’t work on Android for some reason. I’m using Android 9.

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@BlueWhaleYT is the shadow master :stuck_out_tongue:


Shadows work fine on my Samsung Galaxy S8 running Android 9.


Nononono, I’m not a master. I am a newbie, a beginner, a lazy guy.


Newbies don’t have this great knowledge for Thunkable X…
Just kidding :smile:

@kartik_old over here is a big boy now. Mr. Regular :slight_smile:


It’s not that brother!
U have better knowledge & expirenece than me…
I am just in 9th grade & 13y old…
I have much to learn :smile:

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I am joking don’t worry ahaha :stuck_out_tongue:


Something I should clarify.
1.I didn’t have learn about Design of the web and the application or whatever project.I just made by myself and find some materials.
2.I just have learnt about web code,which including HTML and CSS.(little bit JavaScript).After great to learn a platform to create a app with a builder.
3.I’m totally a beginner,I have so much things,don’t know how to make.When some user request.I cannot help them and also waiting master to help.
PS : English not totally fluent cause I came from Hong Kong and current 14 years old.


Same as Me… :sweat_smile:

& You are my age!
