Display bug: You can only 1 admob banner per screen

Hello, i’m getting this error while using Snap to place

This happens when i’m trying to move a button from a screen to another, a row/column or images.
Example, if i’m trying to drag and drop the button_Indietro6 from the screen above to the screen_Preferiti, it shows me this message

I hope you can help as if i can’t move them between screens once duplicated, it takes a lot of time to make them from scratch, especially full rows of component, width,border,colour, ecc…

It would be great, thank you very much!

Hello @maurizio.polverini89
Thank you for sharing your issue.
Did you convert this project from StP?
How many AdMob banners do you have on that screen?

That project is only snap to place, i haven’t converted it, i’m working with the snap to place interface 100% for this specific project.

The Screen_Preferiti has a AdMob component in the Row52