Difference between normal and drag & drop feature

:tada: Hello, thunkers! :iphone::bulb:

I’ve been working on an app for about 5 days now, and I must say, I’m feeling a bit confused. :thinking: I keep switching back and forth between the drag and drop and normal versions because each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. :arrows_counterclockwise::sparkles:

In the normal version, for example, you can’t use columns and rows, which are some of the best UI components in the non-drag and drop version. :confused::straight_ruler: The lack of these features really bothers me.

On the other hand, I’ve encountered a scroll bar issue in the normal version. You can easily make many groups scrollable both vertically and horizontally in the normal version, but it’s quite challenging in the non-drag and drop version. :sweat::arrow_down_small::arrow_up_small:

There are also many other useful features available in the non-drag and drop version, such as barcode scanning, sensors, and different AdMob monetization sizes. These features make our work a lot easier. :camera::loud_sound::moneybag:

I really enjoy using my basic CSS concepts in the non-drag and drop version of thunkable. It’s something I like the most. However, when it comes to drag and drop, it’s so easy and convenient. :heart_eyes::sparkles:

So, in the end, I’d love to hear your opinion! :raised_hands::thought_balloon: Which version do you find easier to use? Which one feels more professional to you? Should I stick with drag and drop or go with the normal version of thunkable? And most importantly, why? :thinking::calling:

Let’s discuss and decide together! :confetti_ball::handshake:

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