Cultural site app - any tip is very much appreciated!

Hi everyone,
I’m pretty new here on Thunkable so sorry if I’m getting something wrong - I swear I spent hours looking at all tutorials before posting this :upside_down_face:!

I would like to develop an app for a cultural site, because up to now we always used physical brochures to provide infos to our users, but we would like to try and save as much paper as possible, so here is the structure of the app:

  • splash screen with logo of the site
  • selection page (each part of the site will be marked with a number or a word, the user will have to scroll a menu, find the corresponding number/name and select the site)
  • audio player (once the user will select a number, the app will change screen and move to an audio player with the corresponding audio file).

The problem is that our users speak different languages, so I would like the app to support at least three languages. I considered making 3 different apps, but we don’t have much money to invest on the app - we’re a cooperative and I’m doing it for free! - and we can’t afford paying 3 publishings on both Android and iOS, so here is my question: which is the best way to develop this in a single app?

My idea is, in the selection page, to have a dropdown menu with all the items that need a guide (the ideal would be an autofill search bar, but I’ll see) and a sort of bottom tab navigator with three buttons for the three languages. Anytime the user changes language, the search bar changes description, but I would like to create a database that knows that, for example, for the string “flower” the audio player will have to start the flower_eng.mp3" file, for the string “flor” the audio player will have to start the “flower_esp.mp3” file and so on. Of course I’ll make sure to match the right string with the right audiofile.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to create this in the proper way!

I’d be so grateful if anyone could suggest just how to sketch out the project in the best way, I’ll follow all the tutorials and instructions for the single parts, but at least I’ll work on the right direction since day 1.

Thanks in advance to all those who will be so patient to read and give me any suggestion, even the smallest!


The from sound set source block takes a filename (text) for a value. So if you name your files with a language specification as in your example and keep the filenames consistent, you can reference them like this:


Hi @tatiang!
Thank you so much for your suggestion! I assume there is a huge difference if I can just rename the files, right? In case I call them flower.mp3; flor.mp3; fiore.mp3; the only thing I have to do is to associate them in Airtable, but of course I need to remember which file corresponds to each language, right?

I’ll try to start with the main elements and will write back for more specific questions in case of need. Thanks a lot for now :pray: :pray:

Have a great evening :blossom:

Yes, you can put them in Airtable if that’s easiest. The names can be whatever you want… as long as you either add the language (esp, eng, etc.), or just put all sounds from a single language in a single column. Then you don’t even need to join the text or worry about the “esp”/“eng” part. You could just retrieve the sound file from the column that matches the language the user wants.


Nice work and great suggestions!!