Creating a Multifunction Course App

Hello, I am trying to learn more about the possibilities of thunkable. My vision is this:

To have an app where a person can input their todo’s for the day and then be able to review the day, check mark off their todos, ask questions like how productive were you today with a likert scale, any problems (explain what happened). This information will be saved in a calendar type format so a person can go back and see the data they put in and the trends that it creates. The other part of the app is a structured course where that person will be able to listen to a podcast and then answer a question related to the podcast. When they complete that podcast, they will unlock the next day’s podcast. We need to be able to have push notifications to remind the person to write down their todo list, to review their day, and to listen to the podcast. Does this all sound like something thunkable is capable of doing? From the todo list with the check boxes, the questions and likert scales with the data trends to see progress, and then be able to have audio files with a question of the day and then unlock each subsequent podcast after completion of the previous. Thank you for any help!

Hi and welcome to Thunkable!

Yes, you can do all of that with Thunkable. For the podcast recordings, you’ll either need to store them locally in the app or have users access them in the cloud which would require Internet access.

how much space do we have in the app for saving mp3s?

It doesn’t say here but I believe there’s still a 50 MB limit per project.

Hi @Foxy86
For individual apps, the limit is 50mb, regardless of the plan selected. The project storage remains at 50mb per project to ensure that apps will get approved for publishing in either the App Store or Google Play Store.

More information in our docs: Assets | Thunkable Docs

To reduce the project size we recommend that you either compress the files or use a third-party audio hosting service like Cloudinary. It is very simple to integrate their hosted files with Thunkable.

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