Hello, can anyone help me with composing a POST request using X Thunkable (not Classic Android) Web API component?
I want to send 3 data values (name, email, idea) to a GoogleSheet
It would be of help also if it is done via the Google Apps Script, that one can create from within the GoogleSheet. Most of my attempts have failed, and all I get is Undefined.
Note that the Step 3 for thunkable x is going to be different !! So after creating your script url you have to follow these steps ;
Step 3 : Blocks Section
Here we don’t have a web component in thunkable X so we are using Web Viewer to post/ send data.
Make sure in the properties section of the web viewer component !! Visibility is set to False.
am trying https://usrkey:pass@api.site.com/
but the response is “missing authentication” status code 401. is there another way to pass the credentials?
don’t mind the naming conventions I was prototyping and too lazy to keep changing names.
Authorization for most apis i came accross was always Basic and you will need to convert your user:passwd to base64 encoding. some apis use apikey:(password is blank) refer to api docs
example lets say your your username:admin and password:passowrd1. go to a base64 encoder enter admin:password1 of and encode it. so for this case the block Authorization would look as such
Authorization “Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQx”