Compare camera photo with photo in google sheets

Hello, I would like to know if it’s possible to take a picture with my camera and compare it with a photo from google sheets (or a link of the photo) and gives me the information that is in the row.

par exemple

I have a cup of coffee - I take a picture - it compares it to the cup of coffee line/photo stored in google sheets - it shows in a label in thunkable the color (pink), size (big), price (1€), owner (Tom).

Do I need a label to show me the information for each column / cathegory?

I would appreciate any help, I’ve been trying everything for days and I’m loosing my mind

You’re describing pretty advanced AI image recognition. If it’s possible – and I’m sure it is – you’d need a paid subscription to a 3rd party API that can take two images and compare them. If you can get that all working outside of Thunkable, there should be a way to integrate into Thunkable.