HI! I have 2 lists of Zodiac Signs. I’d like to compare those 2 lists, wich may contain the same sign, and create a label with just 1 of each sign (in the following eg. i have 2 “leone”). Example in the img:
Pls, help me if u can!

HI! I have 2 lists of Zodiac Signs. I’d like to compare those 2 lists, wich may contain the same sign, and create a label with just 1 of each sign (in the following eg. i have 2 “leone”). Example in the img:
Create a 3rd list and use something similar to the following code
This code will list each item once even if the list has duplicates.
Thank you for your answer! i have just a question about it. In the Eg. u posted, i can see that u use just 1 list viewer, how can i make it work using 3 lists?
I apologize but i’m not expert so may i say something not correct
i tried to use ur resolution method, it works, the only problem is that it every name goes into List 2. i’d like to leave list 2 and 3 as those are at the beginning (3 element each):
I created a quick one to show you.
Check it
Thank you very much! now i understood how does it works! <3
@muneer is this example still available?
I am having as similar challenge.
I don’t think so but I can create an example that would best fit your situation. Can you explain more and I will quickly create one.
Many thanks for your help!
This is what I am trying to achieve:
Hope this makes sense.
See this example
Many thanks, I will try this!
How is it best to create a list from cloud variable list?
This is a tricky question.
Firebase is based in JSON and does not like simple lists and therefore if you pass the Thunkable list to Firebase, it will try to fit it in its structure. This will sometimes results in Firebase adding other internal identifiers to the list.
The easiest way is to save the list in Firebase as a comma delimited text and recreate the list when retrieving if. Use the make list from text block
Do you know how could it work the other way around?
I am saving the below list if FB and want to query and create a list in Thunkable.
Use this way better.