Cloudinary URL not uploading

I am trying to take a picture and upload it to cloudinary

but somehow it doesnt show up in the cloudinary media libary
am i missing something?
I checked all the API Keys.

greetings Domi

I noted that the error msg says “Invalid cloud_name”

Hello @dominiquesp99bchodt
Could you please use the “Product environment cloud name” from the Couldinary settings as cloud name?

now it is saying “parse error unexpected character: <”

Hi @dominiquesp99bchodt
Could you please share a screenshot of all your blocks on this screen?

The upload works
but when I try to update to my data source in google drive with coordinates
it doesnt take the coordinates from my iPhone

Hello @dominiquesp99bchodt
Thank you for sharing the screenshot.
I suggest adding the “upload file” block inside the “photo from camera” block and saving the URL to the variable.

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